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von Bonsdorff

Chief Partnership Officer, Global Engagement, Partnership And Resource Mobilization - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Max von Bonsdorff is the chief partnership officer in IFAD’s Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Division. In this capacity von Bonsdorff leads GPR’s team that designs, implements and supports IFAD’s resource mobilisation efforts, covering issues such as replenishment, borrowing and supplementary funding processes.

Von Bonsdorff joined IFAD in August 2020 from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Finland in Helsinki, where he worked as Director of the Unit for Development Finance and Private Sector Co-operation. Between 2004-2016 he held various positions in MFA Finland, such as economic and results management adviser. In 2007-2011, Von Bonsdorff worked as Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of Finland in Vietnam. In 2011-2014 he worked as an Executive Director’s adviser in the Asian Development Bank.

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