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Chief Executive Officer - Save the Children Italia

Born in Pisa in 1974, Daniela Fatarella graduated in 1997 from the University of Siena with a degree in Communication Sciences. An expert in Social Marketing, Communication, Fundraising, Strategy, and Planning, between 1999 and 2003, she served as National Director at CBM-Christian Blind Mission, before becoming the Director of Marketing and Fundraising for Greenpeace Italy. Since 2004, she has been working for Save the Children Italy, initially as the Director of Marketing and Fundraising, then as the Deputy General Director from 2015 to 2019, and finally as the General Director starting in January 2020. A key figure in the Italian non-profit sector and international cooperation, she passionately and courageously leads the largest Italian Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to the fight to save endangered children, especially the most vulnerable, promote their rights, and improve their living conditions, both in Italy and worldwide. An expert in children's rights, she serves as a spokesperson in national and international media and networks, raising awareness and inspiring others through her personal experiences in complex contexts from the Middle East to sub-Saharan Africa to Latin America. She lives and interprets the third sector as a qualified and innovative partner to combat inequalities through scalable intervention policies, in partnership with institutions and the private sector.

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