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Director General - Cineca

Drawing on significant experience in creating digital enterprises and managing large-scale innovation programs of public interest, for over 20 years, she has held the position of CEO in various public companies. She has served as the Administrative Director of Human Technopole, General Director and CEO of Venis s.p.a., the in-house company of the Municipality of Venice for digitization, General Director of AGID, the National Agency for Digital Italy, CEO of LAit s.p.a., Communication, Advocacy, and External Relations Manager for WWF International in the Programs Office for the Mediterranean, Online Corporate Communication Manager at Enel s.p.a., and Information Manager at the Support and Monitoring Unit of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the Environment. Throughout her professional career, she has complemented her roles with academic responsibilities and studies. She is a lecturer in Digitalization in Public Administration at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, was a lecturer in Digital Marketing and Corporate Communication at the University of Rome "Roma Tre," a Visiting Lecturer in Digital Economy at Imperial College Business School in London, and a Teaching Fellow in Interactive Media and Digital Marketing at the University of Rome "La Sapienza." Over the years, she has led and supervised various consulting and research projects on digital economy, collaborative innovation, and new consumer behaviors.

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